MDU Resources hikes dividend for 26th consecutive year

MDU Resources (MDU) will raise its dividend by 2.7%.

The quarterly dividend will be increased to $0.1925 per share by the gas utility.

In Thursday's press release MDU Resources states: This is the 26th consecutive year that MDU Resources has increased its common stock dividend. Of the more than 2,400 other U.S.-listed, dividend-paying companies, fewer than 100 have increased their stock dividend as many consecutive years as MDU Resources.

"This is our 79th continuous year of paying dividends to our shareholders, and we are very proud of that long tradition," said Harry J. Pearce, chairman of the board. "Our commitment to providing value to our shareholders, including increasing our dividend, is reflected in our membership in the S&P High-Yield Dividend Aristocrats index."

MDU Resources Group is a gas utility providing products and services through its regulated energy delivery and construction materials and services businesses.

Based on a $27.83 stock price the estimated dividend yield for MDU Resources is 2.7%.

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